Creating A Beautiful Home

Homeowners And Chimneys: FAQ

by Jamie Carpenter

A fireplace and chimney add warmth, coziness, and visual appeal to almost any home. If your house has a fireplace and chimney, consider yourself fortunate. A lot of homeowners, however, have questions about their chimneys. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions homeowners have on this subject.

Do You Need a Chimney Cap?

The short and simple answer to this question is yes. Your chimney should have a cap with a wire mesh around it for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is to keep small animals, such as birds and squirrels, out of your chimney. Small animals are often attracted to chimneys as a convenient place to make their nests and will attempt to do so if they can gain entry. Chimney caps greatly reduce the chance of this happening.

Also, chimney caps help keep moisture out of the chimney flue. Excessive moisture can harm chimneys by causing the damper to rust and breaking down the mortar between the bricks.

In addition to making sure that your chimney has a cap, you also need to install a spark arrestor if the cap does not already come with this device. Spark arrestors prevent sparks from the fireplace landing on your roof and possibly igniting fires.

What Wood Should You Burn?

The type of wood you burn can have a big impact on your chimney. For example, if you burn wood that has a high moisture content, this can result in a buildup of a substance called creosote in your fireplace and on your chimney walls. Creosote is a flammable substance that needs to be removed when the buildup is thick.

Experts recommend that you burn seasoned wood, which has a much lower moisture content than green wood. Seasoned wood looks gray on the outside and is less aromatic than green wood. You should also burn a hardwood species, such as ash, oak, and sycamore, rather than a softwood species.

When Should I Have My Chimney Cleaned?

Your chimney needs cleaning on a regular basis to remove creosote, soot, and debris. There is no exact schedule for cleaning a chimney; it all depends on how often you use it and how much creosote and soot has built up on the walls. The best way to proceed is to have the chimney inspected annually by a professional chimney service. They have the training and experience to know when cleaning is required. For more information, contact chimney services in your town.
